
The true power of this theme is the ability to write documentation in Markdown.

Yes, just Markdown, some components if needed and that's it. A beautiful documentation with a live preview of changes in your browser.


With Docus, you can use full Markdown syntax.

What is Markdown?


You can add images using the classic Markdown syntax. They must be stored in the public folder which is at the root of your documentation and accessible from the root of your website.

![ArmoniK Favicon](/favicon.ico)

ArmoniK Favicon

Learn more about the public folder.


Docus use an extended Markdown syntax call MDC to add components to Markdown.

What is MDC?

To have the full MDC experience, proper syntax highlighting, you need to install the MDC VS Code extension.


By default, Docus provide a lot of components to write documentation. You can find the full list of components in the Elements components.


To use a component, you need to write it using the MDC syntax.

This is an alert component.
This is an alert component.
Props are passed as attributes in the component tag with the syntax prop="value".More information about props can be found in the MDC documentation.

You can also nest components.

  A nested card
  A super nested card

A nested card

A super nested card

Card title

Card description

Card title

Card description

And you can use inline components to props to spanor to use an icon.

Hello [World]{.bg-blue-500}!

Hello World!

More information about the MDC syntax can be found in the MDC documentation.
For code block, we recommend you to add a filename or the terminal name to give a better understanding to the reader.
\```md [index.md]
<!-- ... -->
You can see a text between [ and ] in the code block. This is the filename.


You can use Mermaid to create diagrams.

  flowchart LR
      A-- This is the text! ---B
You can use the Mermaid live editor to create your diagrams.
Unlike the other components, Mermaid is not a MDC component. It's a Vue component that you can use in your Markdown. And be careful, if you add space after the <Mermaid> tag or before the </Mermaid> tag, it will not work.


Yes, that's possible and with ease.

Just find your icon in icones.js.org and copy the name.
