
The theme is updated regularly to fix bugs and add new features. You can update it manually or automatically.

Manual Update

To update the theme, you need to update the @aneoconsultingfr/armonik-docs-theme dependency in the package.json file.

  "devDependencies": {
    "@aneoconsultingfr/armonik-docs-theme": "^0.0.0"
Find latest version on GitHub releases page or on npmjs.com.

You can do it manually or with the following command:

npx taze

Then, you can follow the prompt.

Find more information about taze.

Automatic Update

To enable automatic update, you can use Renovate or Dependabot.

In ArmoniK, we use Renovate. Here's our configuration for a repo with a .docs folder:

  "$schema": "https://docs.renovatebot.com/renovate-schema.json",
  "extends": [
  "rangeStrategy": "bump",
  "packageRules": [
      "groupName": "docs npm packages",
      "groupSlug": "docs-npm",
      "matchPaths": [
      "matchDatasources": [
      "groupName": "github actions",
      "groupSlug": "github-actions",
      "matchDatasources": [

We group all non-major updates in a single PR and we use semantic commit type chore for all commits.

We pin GitHub Actions digests to avoid breaking changes or security issues in our workflows.

We group npm packages found in the documentation and GitHub Actions in two different PRs to avoid conflicts.

Grouping npm packages from documentation in a single PR is used to avoid grouping npm packages from the project in the same PR.