How to launch HelloWorld Sample
The goal of this guide is to learn how to use ArmoniK by launching the HelloWorld Sample.
You need to git clone ArmoniK and ArmoniK.Samples to follow this guide.
Start by building your worker image from ArmoniK.Samples root repository:
docker build -f"./csharp/native/HelloWorld/Worker/Dockerfile" -t hello "./csharp/native/"
Add a helloworld partition to parameter.tfvar.
Copy the default one and change the partition name, add a tag to "latest", set the image to "hello".
See the example here.
Deploy ArmoniK with make
in ArmoniK/infrastructure/quick-deploy/localhost
You have differents and equivalent ways to run the client:
- Run the client from ArmoniK.Samples root repository using the .Net command line:
dotnet run --endpoint "http://<ip>:5001" --partition <partition name> --project csharp/native/HelloWorld/Client
- Run the client from ArmoniK.Samples root repository using the Docker command line:
docker build -f "./csharp/native/HelloWorld/Client/Dockerfile" -t client "./csharp/native/" docker run --rm --name <container name> client --endpoint "http://<ip>:5001" --partition <partition name>
- Run the client in Visual Studio:
Open the .Net file inArmoniK.Sample/csharp/native/HelloWorld/Client/.
as a project.
Open the Debug property and add as arguments using the command line:--endpoint "http://<ip>:5001" --partition <partition name>
Run the project.
The console will show something like this:
sessionId: 516fbefb-27e9-4309-ba8e-0fd20634f42e
Task id: 059bbec5-bdeb-490e-970e-db90495cf935
resultId: efa249c0-aacd-449b-844d-c9abd1788f5a, data: Hello World_ efa249c0-aacd-449b-844d-c9abd1788f5a