How to configure partitions?
This guide aims to present the setup and usage of the partitions within ArmoniK.
What partitioning means in ArmoniK
Partitions are sets of pods with their own configuration, their own task queue and their own scaling rules. Partitioning is useful in the following use-cases (non-exhaustive):
- workers need different images
- workers need different node configuration (eg: number of cores, gpu)
- need different limits on the number of pods depending on the application
How to setup the partitioning in terraform
To install and configure the partitioning there are some modifications to implement in the deployment scripts. With the implementation in the 2.9 version, the partitioning is static. That means, that the partitions have to be defined and deployed at the same time than the ArmoniK infrastructure and cannot be changed without a redeployment and a new modification of the parameters files.
In the version 2.8, the partitioning was not available in ArmoniK but the infrastructure was ready for this functionality. A default partition was created at deployment time with the name default
To use multiple partitions, a functionality which is now available with the version 2.9, the first step is to modify the infrastructure deployment with the desired configuration for the partitions. On an AWS deployment, this is done in the file infrastructure/quick-deploy/*/parameters.tfvars, specifically in the variable compute_plane
This variable is a map whose key is the partition name and the value is the partition configuration.
# Parameters of the compute plane
variable "compute_plane" {
description = "Parameters of the compute plane"
type = map(object({
replicas = number
termination_grace_period_seconds = number
image_pull_secrets = string
node_selector = any
annotations = any
polling_agent = object({
image = string
tag = string
image_pull_policy = string
limits = object({
cpu = string
memory = string
requests = object({
cpu = string
memory = string
worker = list(object({
name = string
image = string
tag = string
image_pull_policy = string
limits = object({
cpu = string
memory = string
requests = object({
cpu = string
memory = string
hpa = any
You can set a default partition in the parameters of the control plane control_plane.default_partition
. The default partition must exist in the compute_plane.
Here is an example in which 2 partitions are created:
: default partition, use the imagemy-application-1:0.8.1
without any node selectorpartition2
: use the imagemy-application-2:0.3.2
, on spot nodes (preemptible nodes)
# Parameters of control plane
control_plane = {
# ...
default_partition = "partition1"
# Parameters of the compute plane
compute_plane = {
# Description of the `partition1` partition
partition1 = {
# number of replicas for each deployment of compute plane
replicas = 1
termination_grace_period_seconds = 30
image_pull_secrets = ""
node_selector = {}
annotations = {}
# ArmoniK polling agent
polling_agent = # ...
# ArmoniK workers
worker = [
name = "worker"
image = "my-application-1"
tag = "0.8.1"
image_pull_policy = "IfNotPresent"
limits = null # no limit
requests = null # no request
# Horizontal Pod Autoscaler configuration
hpa = # ...
# Description of the `partition2` partition
partition2 = {
# number of replicas for each deployment of compute plane
replicas = 1
termination_grace_period_seconds = 30
image_pull_secrets = ""
node_selector = { node = "SPOT" }
annotations = {}
# ArmoniK polling agent
polling_agent = # ...
# ArmoniK workers
worker = [
name = "worker"
image = "my-application-2"
tag = "0.3.2"
image_pull_policy = "IfNotPresent"
limits = null # no limit
requests = null # no request
# Horizontal Pod Autoscaler configuration
hpa = # ...
Use a partition when submitting tasks with UnifiedAPI
The partition to use is defined when creating the session, by setting the default TaskOptions
of the session. The partition must exist, otherwise an error is raised.
TaskOptions = new TaskOptions{
MaxDuration = new Duration { Seconds = 3600 * 24 },
MaxRetries = 3,
Priority = 1,
EngineType = EngineType.Unified.ToString(),
ApplicationVersion = "1.0.0-700",
ApplicationService = "ServiceApps",
ApplicationName = "ArmoniK.Samples.Unified.Worker",
ApplicationNamespace = "ArmoniK.Samples.Unified.Worker.Services",
// This is where you set the partition
PartitionId = "partition1",
Props = new Properties(
Service = ServiceFactory.CreateService(Props, loggerFactory);
If you set the PartitionId
to empty (""
), the default partition will be used.
to null
.Use a partition when submitting tasks with native gRPC API
In order to use partitions with the native gRPC API, you must specify at the session creation the partitions that will be used by the tasks of this session. This is done with the field PartitionIds
which is the list of the partitions available to the tasks. You can set it to an empty list or a list containing only a single empty string to use the default partition during the session. You can also define the default partition to be used by the tasks of the session in the defaultTaskOption
. An empty DefaultTaskOption.PartitionId
is replaced by the default partition of the cluster. If a partition does not exist, an error is raised.
var createSessionRequest = new CreateSessionRequest{
DefaultTaskOption = new TaskOptions{
MaxDuration = Duration.FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromHours(1)),
MaxRetries = 2,
Priority = 1,
PartitionId = "partition2",
PartitionIds = { "partition1", "partition2" },
var createSessionReply = submitterClient.CreateSession(createSessionRequest);
You can specify a specific partition for a task by overwriting the TaskOptions
for the task and specifying a different partition. If PartitionId
is empty, the default partition of the session will be used. An error is raised if the specified partition is not part of the list of partitions of the session.
var createTaskReply = await submitterClient.CreateTasksAsync(
new TaskOptions{
MaxDuration = Duration.FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan.FromHours(1)),
MaxRetries = 2,
Priority = 1,
PartitionId = "partition1",
/* ... requests ... */
to null
.Add a partition for the HelloWorld worker
Follow the HelloWorld tutorial here
# Partition for the helloworld worker
helloworld = {
# number of replicas for each deployment of compute plane
replicas = 0
# ArmoniK polling agent
polling_agent = {
limits = {
cpu = "2000m"
memory = "2048Mi"
requests = {
cpu = "50m"
memory = "50Mi"
# ArmoniK workers
worker = [
image = hello
tag = "latest"
limits = {
cpu = "1000m"
memory = "1024Mi"
requests = {
cpu = "50m"
memory = "50Mi"
hpa = {
type = "prometheus"
polling_interval = 15
cooldown_period = 300
min_replica_count = 0
max_replica_count = 5
behavior = {
restore_to_original_replica_count = true
stabilization_window_seconds = 300
type = "Percent"
value = 100
period_seconds = 15
triggers = [
type = "prometheus"
threshold = 2