Differentiate environments

It's important to be able to differentiate environments, to be able to rapidly identify which environment you are working on. This is especially important when you are working on multiple environments at the same time to avoid confusion and mistakes.

In order to achieve this differentiation, we serve a file called environment.json that you can access at /static/environment.json.

In the Admin GUI, we use this file to display the environment name and version in the top middle.

Content of the environment.json file

This file contains the following keys:

  "name": "<string>",
  "description": "<string>",
  "color": "<string>",
  "version": "<string>"
You can use any valide CSS color in the color key. Read more about CSS colors.

Personalize the environment.json file

You can personalize the content of the file but you need to keep the name, description, color and version keys. If you change the name of the keys, the Admin GUI will not be able to read the file.

In your parameters.tfvars (in armonik layer or in the all-in-one), you can update the environment.description key to serve different content for each environment.

environment_description = {
  name  = "aws-dev"
  version = "0.1.0"
  description = "AWS environment"
  color = "#80ff80"