Installation using WSL2
ArmoniK can be installed on Windows 10 and 11 using the Windows Subsystem for Linux. The following instructions will guide you through the installation process.
Install WSL2
To install WSL2, open the Windows Store and install the Windows Subsystem for Linux application.
Install Ubuntu LTS
Then you can install the Ubuntu distribution from the Windows Store. We recommend you to install the latest LTS version.
You can also install Ubuntu LTS manually by following the instructions.
wsl --install -d Ubuntu
Once the installation is complete, verify the version of Ubuntu:
wsl -l -v
You should see something like this:
* Ubuntu Running 2
# or Ubuntu-22.04 depending if you install the LTS or a specific version
You can set the default WSL2 distro by using the following command:
wsl --set-default Ubuntu # or Ubuntu-22.04 depending if you install the LTS or a specific version
Then, you can start your Ubuntu distribution:
wsl -d Ubuntu # or Ubuntu-22.04 depending if you install the LTS or a specific version
Finally, you can update your packages:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
Configure WSL2
Take a look on how to configure the installation with WSL2 and systemd.
. WSL2 supports systemd
natively but it is not enabled by default.